
LUDD is made possible by our sponsors, which allows us to provide high-grade equipment and resources to our members and students at LTU, allowing their interest in technology to thrive. By sponsoring us with services, equipment, or monetary means, you strengthen and open up new opportunities for our students to get hands-on experience with the hardware and services you provide and utilise.

For hardware and software providers, this allows the next generation of engineers to be ready-trained to use the equipment and services that you provide, right out of the gates of our university. While new equipment is always appreciated, this is also an opportunity to re-use old equipment that might not be fit for production use but is not yet obsolete for a student to tinker with.

For other sponsors, it allows you to display yourself and your company to students by for example sponsoring Hackathons, our courses, or simply showing your company in advertisements in our facilities or presence on our website.

Current and previous donors and sponsors

Luleå University of Technology logo
Luleå University of Technology

The university that LUDD is apart of. Supplies the association with facilities, power, networking, equipment and more.

Department of CSESE @ Luleå University of Technology logo
Department of CSESE @ Luleå University of Technology

Sponsored with storage capacity.

Sponsored 01/01-19

SUNET logo

Sponsored with network power equipment

Sponsored 01/01-19

Meta (Formerly Facebook) logo
Meta (Formerly Facebook)

Sponsored with OpenCompute hardware, racks, and networking equipment

Sponsored 01/01-19

TraefikLabs logo

Sponsors us with their great enterprise-grade application proxy

GitLab logo

Sponsors us with an Ultimate license to their DevSecOps platform.

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