published 15/08-22 by hackerbuddy
On the 16th of august, akademiska-hus will shut down all power to the houses A, Alfa, and Alf between 20:00 and 00:00 in order to perform some maintenance. In order to have a clean shutdown and return of LUDD services including DUST and LCnet we will begin our service shutdown starting at 18:00, and you can expect a return of service after 01:00 and at latest later on the 17th if issues arise.
We will post updates here when we are once again up and running.
Update as of 2022-08-17 13:46
All services should now be restored, if you have any DUST vm:s that are not responding you might have to go into the DUST dashboard and press start. If any LCnet units are still shutdown you can always contact or write to root on telegram.
Thank you for your patience //Rasmus